Friday, June 24, 2011

324.0 lbs.

My break from my blog has come to a close, so now I'm on summer break. I'm even dressed to work out today, and maybe I will.

324.0 isn't bad for having been on the road for about a week and a half, eating cafeteria food and fast food for most of the time. During the first week, I ate 19 cafeteria meals! I think the only thing that helped me was the fact that I knew this day was coming. I knew I'd have to weigh in. I knew I'd have to make a public statement about it.

In the meantime, I've been reading Timothy Ferriss's book The 4-Hour Body. He is, perhaps, a nut job, but some of the advice is helpful. Don't drink calories is nearly possible. His observation that awareness of weight is a factor in weight loss is fascinating. There are some things to think about here. I know I've been reluctant to weigh in since I got home. I was up a pound on my official weigh-in day, and nothing more powerful than knowing it got me back on track. Truely, if there had been no scale in the bathroom, this project would've been derailed.

Measure. I'm not sure I'm really interested in things like total inches or body fat. It's all about the lbs. for me. I can measure them down the the 100th lb. And 1/100th makes a big difference.

I'm not sure I'm rsponsible enough to put his Saturday blowout principle into practice. He suggests that one day a week anyone who is faithful to the slow-carb diet should eat until comatose. His words, not mine. The problem for me is that I will. Comatose is strong; sleepy is more my style.

Friday, June 17, 2011

We interrupt this hiatus ...

... to let you know that we're still on break for a few more days.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Break from My Blogging Hiatus

I'm trying not to put on lbs. while at the AP Reading.  I figure I burn about 7 calories above death doing this, but it's worth it in the long run.  I'll be back in a few days.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Countdown Timer

Was just sitting here checking out the countdown timer, and I noticed that it counted down in seconds from 34 ... 31 ... 21 ... 28.  I hope this weightloss plan doesn't come down to the split second.  I don't seem to have the equipment for it.  I'd hate to be somewhere trying to lose the last ounce or two, and I have to rely on this device to give me accurate data.

What if NASA did it this way?  10 ... 9 .... 6 ... no wait ... 7!  We might have landed on Mars already.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Five Meals a Day?

There's nothing not to like about this idea. Breakfast I have nailed down, I like what I'm doing for lunch, dinner is not so tough, but I'm struggling with what to eat the other two meals.

Dirt vegetables like carrots and radishes won't cut it for me. They taste like dirt. Yes, so do potatoes, but dirt enhances their flavor. Not so for the carrot.

So, I'm seeking suggestions that are low effort and transportable. I received a tofu-fruit suggestion through FB. Not bad. Need more.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

325.6 lbs.

I was hoping for 325-even, but this is fantastic especially since my scale had a little setback last week.  I thought the fact that my high-tech scale measures things down to the one-tenth of a pound would be discouraging, but I was wrong.  I said it in e-print:  I was wrong.  This is as much fun as watching the price of gas--uh, if the price of gas were going down. I drive an F-150, so watching gas prices is my vocation.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Potential Landmark in Sight

Okay, I'm using Thursday as my back-up official weigh-in day this week, not so much because I need it.  My scale's numbers this week are good, but Thursday could be--well, I don't want to jinx it, so I'm just going to say that if Thursday's numbers are worse than today's, Wednesday will remain the official weigh-in day this week.