Thursday, May 19, 2011

Followers, Friends, and Some Kind of Liquid

Oh, yeah, that's three followers. This gets more fun by the day.  There are no friends like old friends.  Spead the word.  It's a movement.  So far, I've learned four things:  1) Nothing like a friend to lend some encouragement. 2) Eat good food.  Taste it.  If you're going to eat a burger, eat a good burger--grilled, tomatoes, onions, mustard, toasty bun!  That includes a bag of chips now and then.  3) Have a snack in the afternoon. 4) Wash it down with water.

I also learned from a witty poet--but this has nothing to do with losing weight, getting happier, and gaining some energy back--that the solution to every problem usually involves some kind of liquid.  I take that back.  It has everything to do with it--just depends on the quality of the liquid.


  1. Of course we know that when you say "old friends" you are referring to people you have known a long time--since high school. ;) Not "old" friends! Haha! Keep up the great work Alan!--Karen

  2. I don't know if you use a photo from high school or what, but you don't look a bit older--no kidding. I don't even recognize myself in the mirror anymore. Tell Dave I said hello. He's welcome to join in the conversation, too. He's probably too busy jogging or looking for the newest macrobiotic restaurant.

  3. Thanks for the compliment Alan! That pretty much made my day. I'll tell Dave you said hi. He does still jog some (or, as he says, a "slow trot". --Karen
