Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cool Pedometer

Okay, so Thursday, as it turns out, was a better day for my scale.  Perhaps Thursday will become my official weigh in day.  Anyway, the numbers were 328.6 lbs.  It was the 3178 steps I took that did it, I bet.


  1. Enjoying the posts so far. I've been trying to cut down my soda consumption too. Can you do iced tea? That works for me. That and a Coke Zero once a day!

    When you get a sec, set up an rss feed to make it easier for those of us that want to play along at home.

    Hi to Debs and Shel!

  2. Kiss everybody at your house for me. Try this: Bourbon on the rocks with a splash of unsweetened ice tea. It won't help you curb your appetite, but it's good.
